
2018年起(from 2018)聲樂第二級考試內容與規則

此網頁內容僅供參考, 正式內容請見原文考試內容摘要(syllabus)

THREE ACCOMPANIED SONGS: to be sung from memory: one chosen by the candidate from each of the three Lists, A, B and C, with a total maximum programme time of four minutes. Songs may be sung in any key, published or transposed, and those which may be judged to be more appropriate to either a male or female voice are marked (M) or (F) respectively.


<考曲曲目表 >

第1頁 第2頁 第3頁 第4頁 第5頁 第6頁

ONE UNACCOMPANIED TRADITIONAL SONG:: from memory, and of the candidate's own choice. See Regulations for Singing.

SIGHT- SINGING: : a short test in a major key, in simple time, with a simple accompaniment played by the examiner. Click here for general regulations.

* Edition with English performing translation.



聲樂  第一級  第二級  第三級  第四級  第五級  第六級  第七級  第八級

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